Saturday, September 1, 2012

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Wide 18-step thirty cells thick, so that every bull-seven thousand five hundred and sixty Pure Land where all completion 94,cheap nfl jerseys,500,000 bull Pure Land. Specific construction method is also segmented construction , workers are three shifts, a total of two hundred sixty million and salaries 2,020,000 gold. the Nanjiang sitting Ta Kama dry desert unlimited raw materials, the production cost of the Pure Land almost negligible, but completed this year production, the Pure Land factory workers shortfall of about 38 million people, salary, compared with 5.8 million gold coins. I smiled slightly: Murong eagle shyly nodded, it seems that he also felt that such request is too much, after all, the gold comes in to say, just let my lord this over forty-two million workers anywhere to find it? Want to know the entire southern border was only two 103 over three million people, ah!
I panoramic view, his expression subsequently laughed: miles! far as I know providential government of Northwest Road since the devastating disaster since the beginning of summer, a whole caused tens of millions of people displaced the Milos prairie, not to mention made interracial alliance deserted them, have to this is a godsend to form a coalition forces south to plunder in order to tide over the crisis of survival. past to plunder the population of these two places can be described as thousands of hard to extremely difficult, and the hearts of the people is not necessarily willing, now we just raised them to feed and clothe and paid monthly salary slogan to worry about, they do not come to the southern border to settle in miles but is expected toll could be far more than forty million, at least twice, Zhen eighty million to $ twenty million scale After all, we can not as long as the young men, but not to their family, right? Murong eagle and Zhu Yi hear the tongue-tied,cheap oakley sunglasses, long while speechless, heart deeply lord of the grand plan to conquer such a fixed knife shot to complete years of war it is difficult to complete the feat, lord it really is a great wisdom people, ah!
I watched the two the migration program, the focus must also tend to the young men in the northwest of refugees, the other by the Chamber of Commerce of Ge Miya Milos prairie substantial absorption. Speaking of which, I suddenly remembered something, asked: Murong eagle pressure of cross God, silently calculating the moment, replied: the blink Seeing my lord. because he knows the lord pull the amount of the order is not the slightest bit, the scale of hundreds of hundreds of hundreds of billions of coins ah!
I quickly waved and said:

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