Sunday, July 29, 2012

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Watching nfl gone, Guo Qianyun was sad cry together, squatting on the ground and muttered: , never, never,,,,,,.
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Thursday, July 26, 2012

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Yang Guang shrugged his shoulders and the heart: the first vice president of the shelf than the Chief Executive of the Asian region but also shook his head and followed the two into the vocal community classroom.
The quiz is actually very simple, the newborn is in turn up to play a few minutes the instrument of their choice. Judges is actually a vocal society predecessors.
Yang Guang this is some disdain when started going to clubs not have test over you? Now engage in such aircraft suddenly, obviously is against him. Not that many saw glances president ready to girl Well ......
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Performance are good, of course, join a company when there is no skill is very difficult to join a company assessment, and now just look like a show of her own expertise.
However, Yang Guang not the same, because his election is already a little not the flute.
So turn to the time he played, Akita Tianjin almost can not help but mouth some upturned. Hearts want to hurry to see him joke, but still want to show the president's demeanor.
Yang Guang turned around and looked at the the Akita Tianjin hint of contemptuous smile: Akita Tianjin has been in my heart begin a new line their own, Murong Ling Murong Ling, can not lose face can not lose face, I endure my tolerance, I was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles I Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but saw the smiling faces of the Yang Guang contempt, he de- out shells.
? Yang Guang He was so angry face somewhat distorted look to turn a blind eye, blinked his eyes a look of innocence: Akita the Tianjin wanted their own hands no matter what so hit Yang Guang face, and says loudly: blowing your mother! Fortunately, this vase then he said, Do not be noisy, improvisation, improvisation, nor is it a big deal. So Akita Tianjin can only obediently sat back seat.
But Yang Guang next sentence was almost his psychological defense to collapse on the spot.
Yang Guang whisper said:

Thursday, July 19, 2012

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Looked exactly the same with the original drums, Lin pole nodded, then quickly left this temple, and all development in the future depends on the Li Yingqiong is, as mentioned in the novel, absolute luck.
But the the Emei Zhang Mei old man left the three cloud the legend, even if other people get purple the Ying sword will be sent to the Li Yingqiong the hands.
Forest plan, as long as Li Yingqiong got the purple Ying sword, to Li Yingqiong see the enemy under the dead hand of the character to see, the killing is absolutely indispensable, coupled with the original owner of the purple Ying sword Deng hidden now become Gorefiend sword somehow bring some magic gas, up to five years, Li Yingqiong heart will demon seed eroded.
To forest pole to Shushanjianxia pass this story and go again, can be cited Li Yingqiong go, if the timing is more clever, and perhaps also pulled a good when riding the Emei coagulation Tsui Cliff Khai.
To leave the temple after the forest very quickly back to Chengdu, the back, about took him ten days, but the forest is not very care about, before he went to inquire about had bought the ship from Chengdu along the Yangtze River and down to only seven days, to turn to Jiuhua Mountain in Anhui that time much easier.
According to this plan, the forest very way line, and finally in the twentieth day, came to the the Jiuhua foot of the mountain, forest days from the agreed ten days time, idle nothing very loaded into tourists Jiuhua mountains play.
Lin pole was going down the mountain, and suddenly saw a white teenagers are quickly up the hill rush, did not see the forest very down from the mountains, and sometimes dodge in no hurry, the forest is extremely to hit out.
This look can be very forest of fire to hit out, he pointed to that white boy about cursed, like suddenly found something, shaking his head said, A white boy and angry, he said, Forest very not answer him, but asked, White boy is a shocked, asked, In fact, this white boy is to help Qijin Chan go at them beauty python white Xia Sun South for this well-known figure, the forest is very natural to offer a clear picture.
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Where Lin was caught in a White Man Sun South will use words to keep him, and now see

Monday, July 16, 2012

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Predecessors, that ...... It seems the money can only think of ways to pit the two foreign forces.
Ps: I thank have already voted to the friends of my vip monthly pass! Book vip monthly pass list for this month's war, in order to allow high-rise really a building, to ensure the quality of the foundation to update a million words a day I below , put everyone

Sunday, July 8, 2012

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Test and record the text; of course, also have a psychological dependence on the work of survival, after all, know very well than anyone else. Some people say not to abandon the work from independent writing, this is my life smart, I admit, I'm not pretending, I am willing to accept. Of course, some people may would say: do not want to when the general's soldiers. not a good soldier and I really do not want to be a good soldier, as long as I can take advantage of the write way to life and survival, let my personal thoughts, soul and light of life to get the scattering light of a lifetime, make the individual filled with energy and vitality and charm. literary friends, my privacy may be insufficient for outsiders!
Here, I was still holds to cover fully understand music theory, do not know to appreciate, only knew this Luantan a, but also invite a faithful lot of understanding for the hope.
Thanks for the reading of the text of the faithful, Stoudemire apologize!
In recent years, experienced intermittent energy inputs and the final decision when you stop to write, cover and meditation, I feel there are still many deficiencies the preferred place, really worth while regrettable, until now, is said to be regrets, only the two hastily complex and minor changes, but do not want their additions and deletions repair and there are still many can not enjoy even the errors and omissions's sake, after all, say, the lengthy and scattered plot, change is vast and complex to things. Moreover, according to wish, to change, to the end will not be satisfied, the same are not satisfied with the content, form, etc. which, in the end have to have such a repeat deficiency of, for that matter, would not end? So, think about, or forget it, resulting in a deficiency of reasons, most important, or all aspects of their ability to include the energy due to limited. and the lack of superb technology, generous capacity and great boldness of vision, etc. , ultimately resulting in the story dull.
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Perhaps dwellers, someone may ask, what are you then? In fact, to answer despise the heirs, can only say that is a standard non-party people, is an addition to no more than half a kilometer radius of the common people was understanding. I no background, no backing, most without by pass. like this

Friday, July 6, 2012

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Li looked dejected, staring at the fire. I think is most unfortunate that I will not drive, can not be over Lincoln's addiction.
Along the way, Li as a guide, we were to go to Nanchang City.
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